Expressive Arts Therapy Presentations
Presentations by Elizabeth Warson
Elizabeth Warson’s presentations provide a comprehensive look at how expressive arts therapy, creative expression, and culturally responsive approaches can serve as powerful tools for healing across diverse populations. Her work in integrative healing practices, cutting-edge trauma recovery techniques, and community-based strategies to create holistic, effective therapeutic models. Whether addressing elder care, community resilience, or trauma recovery, Warson’s presentations continue to impact the fields of expressive arts therapy, mental health, and community healing.
Selected Presentations
- “How can horses and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) transform human health?”
Warson, E. & Tumlin, K. (Recorded)
American Psychological Association, Human-Animal Interaction, Division 17, Section 13, Webinar Series, 2024.
- “Triple T Haven: Whole Person Care Program Evaluation.”
Warson, E.
Eagala Conference, Reno, NV, 2023.
- “Nature- and Community-Based Models in Creative Arts Therapy.”
Warson, E. & Malchiodi, C.
World Art Therapy Conference, Webinar Series, 2024.
- “Healing Pathways: American Indian Medicine and Art Therapy.”
Warson, E.
Changing Patterns of Cancer in Native Communities: Strength through Tradition and Science, Mayo Clinic Spirit of EAGLES Tri-Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2013.
- “Healing Pathways: American Indian Medicine and Art Therapy.”
Warson, E. (Recorded)
Presentation for the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 2011.
- “Level 1 Certification Program: Trauma & Expressive Arts Therapy”
Warson, E. & Malchiodi, C.
In-Person Training, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2023.
- Keynote: “Discovering Healing Pathways: Community Outreach and Resiliency Building through Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy,”
Warson, E.
Annual CATA Symposium, Boulder, CO, 2023.
- “Expressive Arts Therapy, EMDR, and Sensory Processing for Trauma Recovery.”
Warson, E. & Malchiodi, C.
Soearth, Kill, Ireland, 2023.
- “Art Therapy with Elders,”
Warson, E.
Wisdom Steps Conference, White Earth Reservation, MN, 2023.
- “Cathy Malchiodi PhD and Elizabeth Warson PhD, share their work with Expressive Arts Therapy.”
Malchiodi, C. & Warson, E.
December session of Collectively Rooted’s Yearlong Program, Nov. 2023.
- “CR Yearlong Session 7: Visual Journaling: A Promising Intervention for Stress Reduction”
Malchiodi, C. & Warson, E.
December session of Collectively Rooted’s Yearlong Program, Dec. 2022.
- “Restorative Visual Journaling.”
Warson, E. (Recorded)
Restoring Self in the Aftermath of Trauma Conference, EEG/Learn, 2022.
- “How does Bilateral Artmaking Help Develop Agency and Safety.”
Warson, E. (Recorded)
Restoring Self in the Aftermath of Trauma Conference, EEG/Learn, 2022.
- “Discovering Healing Pathways Elizabeth Warson Session”
Warson, E.
Restoring Self in the Aftermath of Trauma Conference, EEG/Learn, 2022.
- “Visual Journaling: A Promising Intervention for Stress Reduction.”
Warson, E. (Recorded)
Expressive and Embodied Approaches: Reimagining Resilience & Self-Restoration, year-long program, Collectively Rooted, 2021.
- Keynote: “Healing Pathways through Art Therapy.”
Warson, E.
35th Annual BATA Symposium, Columbus, OH, 2016.
- “Collaboration, Creativity, & Co-Construction: Emergent Methodologies in Arts & Health.”
Warson, E.
Native Research Network 25th National Native Health Research Conference, Cherokee, NC, 2016.
- Seminario (Keynote): “Enfoques de Arte Terapia para la Resiliencia y la Reduccion de Estres.”
Warson, E.
Universidad Dr. Jose Matias Delgado, Antigua Cuscatlan, La Libertad, El Salvador, 2014.
- “Cross-Cultural Outreach and Multicultural Counseling: A Transformative Experience for Counseling Students.”
Belenkiy, E., Jacobs, B., Strictman, H., Goodman, R., & Warson, E.
60-min. Clinician Education Session, American Counseling Association Conference, Orlando, FL, 2014.
- “Woapiye Ocanku: Discovering Healing Pathways among the Oglala (Lakota).”
Warson, E.
Therapist Networking & Training, Connections Counseling, Fort Collins, CO, 2014.
- “Child-Centered Treatment Planning: A Strengths-Based Approach.”
Warson, E.
Woakipa Etan Woasniye (Healing from Trauma Conference), Knife Chief Buffalo Nation, Rapid City, SD, 2013.
- “Discovering Healing Pathways: Arts-Informed Counseling for American Indian Youth.”
Warson, E.
Woakipa Etan Woasniye (Healing from Trauma Conference), Knife Chief Buffalo Nation, Rapid City, SD, 2013.
- “Discovering Healing Pathways.”
Warson, E.
Banner Alzheimer’s Institute 10th Annual Conference, Parker, AZ, 2013.
- “Art Therapy and Dementia.”
Warson, E.
Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Phoenix, AZ, 2013.
- Keynote: “Healing Pathways: Art Therapy with Indigenous Peoples.”
Warson, E.
International Conference on Art Therapy, Shenzhen, China, 2013.
- “Lakota Medicine Wheel.”
Warson, E. & Underbaggage, W.
Global Alliance for Arts and Health Conference, National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC, 2013.
- Keynote: “Healing Pathways: Art Therapy for American Indian Cancer Survivors.”
Warson, E.
Healing Arts Conference, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Johnstown, VA, 2012.
- “Healing Pathways: American Indian Medicine and Art Therapy.”
Warson, E.
Presentation for The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2011.
- “Depth and Breadth: Exploring Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods.”
Warson, E.
Presentation for the Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Stanford, CA, 2011.
- “Healing Pathways: Art Therapy for American Indian Cancer Survivors.”
Warson, E. & Barbour, S.
Presentation for the North Carolina Governor’s Conference on Aging, Durham, NC, 2010.
- “Art and Cancer.”
Warson, E.
Presentation for The Mayo Cancer Clinic’s Spirit of EAGLES 2010 Conference: Changing Patterns in Native Communities, Seattle, WA, 2010.
- “Healing Pathways: Art Therapy for American Indian Cancer Survivors.”
Warson, E.
Presentation for Columbian College’s Research Team Meeting, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 2010.
- “Fostering Collaborations: Advancing Art Therapy Research and Practice.”
Warson, E. & Malchiodi, C.
Paper presented at the Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Minneapolis, MN, 2010.
- “Promoting Self-Care through the Arts.”
Warson, E. & Malchiodi, C.
Presentation for the Community Health Coordinators from Fond du Lac Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Reservation, MN, 2010.
- “Promoting Wellness through Visual Journaling.”
Warson, E.
Paper presented at the Native American Cancer Survivorship Seminar, Denver, CO, August, 2009.
- “Tailoring Recruitment to Minority Populations: African American and American Indian.”
Warson, E.
Presentation for OHRP VCU Conference, Richmond, VA, 2008.
- “Healing Pathways: Art Therapy for American Indian Cancer Survivors.”
Warson, E. & NC Commission of Indian Affairs.
Presentation for EVMS Research Roundtable, VA, 2007.
- “Art Therapy with Native American Breast Cancer Survivors.”
Warson, E.
Paper presented at the American Art Therapy Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2007.
Elizabeth Warson
A therapist, teacher, and consultant who specializes in EMDR, Equine & Expressive Arts therapy in Northern Colorado.
For more information, please contact Dr. Warson directly.